A Merchant Cash Advance is not a loan, it is simply an advance against expected future card income. We can often advance up to 120% of your average monthly card income.
It is available to any trading business in the UK, should you be a limited company or a sole trader, as long as you are registered with HMRC, then you qualify for a Merchant Cash Advance.
Repayment could not be more business friendly, no set monthly contractual repayment like a bank loan, we simply agree a set percentage of your card income depending on how much you borrow against your turnover. This is typically from 8% to 15% max. This means, that when your card income increases, so then does your repayment, but more importantly when your card income goes down, likewise does your repayment. In other words, you only repay when you get paid.
The advance is designed to last no longer than 12 months but it is fully renewable, meaning your business could benefit from a capital lump sum equal to 120% of your average monthly card income every year.
This alternative business funding is perfect for small to medium-sized businesses and retailers that process more than £5,000 of card income
This alternative business funding is perfect for small to medium-sized businesses and retailers that process more than £5,000 of card income through their merchant terminals each month. The flexible repayments mean that your cash flow is not impacted, so you don’t have to worry if you have a quiet month.
Rather than having a set repayment amount every week, or month, a Merchant Cash Advance is repaid as an agreed percentage of daily card income. Therefore, more is repaid during busy periods and less when quiet.
The merchant cash advance scheme is particularly beneficial for seasonal trades and businesses that experience highs and lows in their monthly cash flow.
A Merchant Cash Advance gives you the flexibility to use the funds on whatever you need. Whether it’s for buying stock, equipment upgrades, refurbishments, marketing campaigns, paying HMRC or just improved working capital, there are generally no restrictions on the use of the funds.
Money for what you want, when you want it.
Registered Office: 124 Acomb Road, York, England, YO24 4EY. Tel: 020 3627 7411
Registered in England & Wales. Company Registration Number 12052981
Office Tel:
020 3627 7411
124 Acomb Road
YO24 4EY